June 7, 2021


Hellooooo, Internet. Long time, no see! It's been silent over here for some time now and while I wish I could say that I was guilty, my heart and mind needed time away to actually process, heal, and reconnect with myself and my loved ones before I wrote and shared about it on here. I thought about you, but I knew that I needed to actually process my thoughts before I typed them out. 

It's June and I just said goodbye to the eighteen littles that redeemed my year and the craziness over the past year. This past school year will always hold a special place in my heart because it was the year I never knew I needed. I got the seven year itch back in 2019-2020, and thought long and hard about leaving the teaching profession altogether. I applied and was accepted into grad school (for a LMFT program) but then COVID shut the world down and I had to abruptly leave the classroom without saying an in-person goodbye to the kids in my classroom. 

Coming back to the classroom in September, I had a lot of hesitation, but as soon as the kids came, the worries and fears left. They redeemed teaching for me, especially during the pandemic. We sanitized, bleached, and hand-sanitized everything and the kids rolled with the punches. They were the highlight of my day and their laughter and smiles during a heavy and painful year brought so much love and joy to my soul. 

I typically don't tear up at the end of the year, but  during our end of the year celebrating/graduation, I was watching the slideshow of photos I made for the kids and as the families and kids oohed and aahed at the memories (via Zoom), I teared up seeing everyone's smiles and joy. 

These kids taught and healed me more than I ever thought or could imagine and for that, I am thankful for each and every one of them. 

Aside from that, April and May brought continued weekend hikes, celebrating my grandpa's life, twenty minute naps, creating preschool memory books for the kids, thrifting with my mom and sisters, watching caterpillars turn into butterflies, and tie-dyeing with the littles.

They were hard months, but good months. And now we're onto summer! 

© 2025 IN ITS TIMEMaira Gall