February 1, 2021


New year, new hopes, and new dreams. I have a feeling many of us eagerly anticipated 2021 and not just because it meant that 2020 was over but because a new calendar signifies a chance for new beginnings, new goals, and new adventures. 

January, you started off with a swift jolt with politics and current events. I don't like to talk about it much, but I've been the most politically involved and invested this past year than I have in my thirty years of life. And it's just been really hard. My heart aches for peace and when I see destruction and injustice, I can't help but lean into my Eight wing and fight for the underdogs, those discriminated against, and the marginalized populations, too. I'm hopeful we're turning a corner but even more hopeful that our eternal future is brighter than anything here on earth.

But aside from that, I turned 3-0 this month, too. Goodness, it feels old to say that! I'm no longer some twenty-something but a thirty-something now and while I hated the sound of it a month ago, I've fully embraced it now and am here for the acceptance and the love that I've felt towards myself since entering this new decade. I asked friends for birthday advice and many so wisely echoed the truth that once you hit thirty, you just don't care about what others think and you start to just love who you are and who God made you to be. And once my birthday came around, that acceptance washed over me--in a very, very good way. 

And in an effort to continue to be engaged in life, I've added journaling into my daily routine. My nightly routine used to include just Bible reading and prayer journaling but in an effort to get to know myself better, I've started journaling, too. And those 5-7 minutes spent journaling has provided me with the opportunity to get to know who I am underneath all my many layers.

January brought hikes to search for snow. Baking orange scones. Dog kisses. Worship music and teary eyes. Listening to my body and resting more. And a photoshoot and new love for photographing seniors and teens (I'm starting to actually enjoy spending time with them...what?!).  

I have no idea what February will bring, but I'm ready. Eager to see what unfolds but slowing savoring the present, too.
© 2025 IN ITS TIMEMaira Gall