Dearest January,
After a low-key holiday season, I was pumped and eager to dive into 2019--ready to discover what God had planned and what He had in store for me.
Let's just say my expectations didn't quite match up with what He had in mind. I was hit with what I'd like to call the worst cold ever and spent my birthday week with a fever, aches, sore throat, cough, pink eye, and a voice that resembled that of a teenage boy whose voice was changing.
But through all of that, God showed up (as I mentioned on Instagram) and humbled my sick body and softened my hardened heart. I was disappointed to see that 2019 would start off with sickness and I prayed continuously for a quick recovery--which led to frustration that that wasn't what God had in mind.
Fortunately, God used that lovely attitude to remind me that every setback, every trial, every hardship has a purpose and will bring Him glory and be for my good. And that virus was. It forced me to be grateful for who He is, not just for what He does. It forced me to remember that He is sovereign and all-knowing. And that joy comes not from my circumstances, but from Him.
Aside from that, my birthday month was truly the best. I got plenty of birthday wishes and goodies from co-workers and kids. Ate spicy Indian food. Took a fast from social media. Day tripped with my mom. Watched my sister compete. Played more music. Tried new recipes. Watched Tidying Up with my mom (who reminds me of Marie Kondo). And enjoyed fifty degree (and sunny!) weather.
January, you were not at all what I expected but you were so much better than I ever could have planned. February, I'm excited to see what you've got in store for me!