I totally stole the following paragraph from last year's post, but it still rings true today: "Some may call them resolutions, others may call them goals, but I like to call them intentions. My hope isn't to achieve or cross these items off of a to-do list, but rather, to be more intentional about these areas in my life. I want to grow and improve, not necessarily conquer (and later forget about). So here's to a new year and a reminder that every day is a new day, with new beginnings and opportunities."
1. MAKE MORE TIME FOR READING. When I had a week off from work, I turned to my never-ending pile of books on my desk and once again fell in love with reading. It's one of the hobbies I find hardest to make time for since I more often than not fall asleep while reading after work. But I want to carve in some time either on the weekends or turn in earlier to spend time reading instead of watching TV or Youtube videos.
2. CREATE A SKINCARE ROUTINE. I'm always on the lookout for new things to try on my face and as someone who battles sensitive, oily skin as well as hormonal cystic acne (it's as delightful as it sounds), I'm also a little skeptical about trying new products. But I want to try new products (like Glossier!) and want to be more adult-ish and have fun pampering myself, too.
3. ROOT MYSELF. Spiritually speaking, my hope for this year is to go back to my roots and be intentional about my relationship with Jesus. Being a believer since childhood comes with a unique challenge of making sure you're constantly fighting to follow Him--because it's easy to slide down the slippery slope of "been there, done that" in terms of studying His Word. I'm not sure what this looks like practically speaking, but my hope is that this year would be one of growth and building a strong(er) foundation in Him; planting my feet firmly in His Word and His grace.
4. SPEAK UP. SPEAK OUT. As I learn more about my Enneagram type, I realize just how easy it is for me to withdraw and stay quiet--especially when I'm in the presence of louder and bolder personalities. In an effort to speak out more, I've been reminding myself that relationships can't go deeper if I'm not willing to be vulnerable so I'm praying for opportunities to share more of my life, my opinions, and my beliefs with those around me.
5. SAY YES. All too often, I'm the girl who kindly backs out of social gatherings and new experiences. But 2018 held a lot of new experiences, all of which were scary at first, but have all ended up to be SO good. So I'm continuing that sense of discovery and bravery by saying YES to whatever God's got in store for 2019.
What are your goals and intentions for 2019?