Dear March,
You may be on your way out, but in many ways, I'm still processing you and the events that have happened. I'm still processing the back and forth weather (snow and spring blooms in one month?), the stress and loss of losing a loved one, and learning to move forward when your heart is all over the place.
It's been a little crazy these past few weeks and to be honest, I've just been riding the waves. One of the things I've learned this month is how much I need creative and physical outlets. Just as much as my feet need to hit the pavement and go running, my fingers need to hit the keyboards or scribble out words on paper. I find life when my heart beats hard. I find life when I find myself finally catching my breath. But I also find life when I hit publish or finish an entry in my journal.
March has also taught me the importance of pausing and taking time for family and loved ones. Our time here is short and unknown and I want to make sure the time I do spend with loved ones savored, not rushed.
Lastly, you taught me the importance of love and empathy. My heart has ached over the stories that the preschoolers carry with them into my classroom and in the process, my heart has softened and I've realized the importance of connecting with kids emotionally and developing strong relationships with the kids in my class and people in my life.
So here's to more love, less stress. More life, less rush. Here's to new months, new adventures, and new stories to tell next month.
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