"Love the skin you're in." People tell us to love the person we see in the mirror on a daily basis, but if you're like me, they're words that go in one ear and out the other.
The world bombards us with lies. We're not worthy enough, thin enough, fit enough, smart enough, or pretty enough. We're just not enough. And all too often, it's the voice you listen to because it's the loudest. It's the images we see on the make-up commercials, the magazine covers we skim in the check-out line, and the words we hear/read when we're on the internet.
Even though it's oI've struggled with adult acne that came out of nowhere this past year and it's been the biggest internal/external battle I've faced yet. The world tells me that I need to cover up and hide. It tells me that I'm not good enough and no one will ever find me attractive. The world tells me I need to try harder or give up all together.
I listened to the world for some time, too. I didn't leave the house without make-up. I hid underneath scarves and hoodies with cowl-neck collars. I wore my hair down to detract attention to the imperfections on my cheeks.
But to be honest, trying to be "good enough" wasn't doing anything for me. My skin wasn't any clearer and I was finding an unhealthy dependence on make-up to feel confident in my own skin. And that's when I realized that the world will always tell us we're not enough and that we need to try harder. We need to try harder so we can find success, acceptance, and beauty.
But we have two voices to listen to. We can listen to the world or we can listen to Jesus. And it all comes down to choice--we've got to choose the One that will feed us, sustain us, and truly fulfill our longing hearts. The world says we're not enough but God tells us the exact opposite. He tells us that it doesn't matter that we have scars on our bodies or in our hearts. He tells us that we're beautiful. Made in His image and loved beyond measure. He tells us we're
The voice may not be the loudest in our lives, but it's the Truth and it's the voice I'm tuning my ear to listen for.
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