The start of every year brings about a time of reflection but also of hope and anticipation. I can't help but get excited about all that this new year has to offer and also love that January is a time of reflection of the past year and all that it brought, too.
2016 was full of ups and downs. But through every moment, the ONE thing that remained was God. He brought me through each month, each season, each step of the journey in this thing called life.
I now realize just how much He provided for me with 2016's word for the year. It was the stillest and quietest of moments where I felt His presence the strongest. I write in a journal every night before bed and lately, my writing has focused on God's faithfulness. How many prayers He answered, how many adventures He led me to, and how many challenges He helped me face--no matter where I was and how I was feeling.
In church, we'll often sing songs praising His faithfulness. We'll read verses speaking of how faithful He is and how much we need faith in our lives. As a child, I sang those lyrics, read those verses, but didn't really grasp the vastness, the greatness, and the blessing it is to have Him be the constant in my life. I've clung to Him in tears, clung to Him in fear, and clung to Him in joy. And no matter where I was, He was there.
I like to say that Lauren Daigle and I have become BFF's this year. I don't honestly know how many times I found myself playing her albums on repeat while letting my feet hit the pavement on a Saturday morning run or while driving to and from work. Her voice is full of soul, her lyrics rich with truth, and her music full of grit and love (is that even a real thing?).
As I was searching for a good song for this post, I knew I had to turn to her music. And the words she sings in Loyal, do not disappoint.
"I could never earn your heart
I could never reach that far
But you have pulled me close
You've never let me go
I'm safe forever in your arms
Your promises I can not break
And I know you will never change
Your love is loyal
More faithful than the rising sun
This grace for me I can't outrun
When my world shakes
Your love remains unshaken
So constant, so perfect, unwavering
When my world falls
Your love remains unfailing
So constant, so perfect, unwavering."
So this year, my word for the year is FAITHFUL. I want to be faithful in my relationship with Christ, but also in every other aspect of my life. I want faith to fuel me, not fear. And I want to remember that even if things don't end up the way I had hoped, He is faithful to provide--no matter what. I want to live out my faith because I know that He is faithful.
Aside from my relationship with Christ, I also want to be faithful in my friendships, in my commitments, and in my goals. I want to be faithful, honest, and true not just to others, but to myself. Resting in His truth, resting in his love, and resting in His faithfulness.
"He who calls you is faithful, He will do it." 1st Thessalonians 5:24
"If we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself." 2 Timothy 2:13
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