This Spring Break I'll be doing some actual traveling (more on that during this month's The Circle linkup!) and am looking for some books to take along with me--which is where YOU come into play! I've created a list of books on my to-read list, as well as some books I hope to get my hands on when they're released. But I'd love to know if you have any books that you'd recommend, fiction and non-fiction alike.
Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling | This girl needs no introduction. I actually never got to finish her first book because I checked it out from the library and was in the middle of three other books at the time, but I really hope to check both of this one off my to-read list this Spring Break
For the Love by Jen Hatmaker | This book went viral on social media a few months ago--I feel like every blogger, mother, and wife was posting it on Facebook and Instagram. I haven't read any of Jen's books yet, but I've only heard good things about this one so I'm giving it a shot.
Rising Strong and I Thought it was Just Me (both) by Brené Brown | I love this lady but have never read any of her books and need to change that soon!
Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty | I've heard so many great things about Liane's work on so many different blogs but have never read any of her books, either. If bloggers love her, I should too, right?
Attachments by Rainbow Rowell | This is another book I found on a blog and it sounds fascinating, especially in this day and age where meeting people and communicating online is more of the norm!
Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist | Shauna's definitely my favorite author and with my goal to live in the present and be still, I KNOW this book is going to be a good one.
Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs | I've read some of Annie's work in SheReadsTruth posts and loved them all--I'm thinking this book will be a good one, too!
Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan | I don't consider myself either of those two words so I know this is a book that will help me find that in my life!
What do YOU want to read? What do YOU recommend to read? And what have YOU read recently?
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