I've missed taking photos. There, I've said it and I've admitted it.
Ever since I completed the 365 Project (yep, you'll never hear the end of it around here!), I've missed taking photos. I've missed taking photos of the mundane, the everyday moments and having an excuse and reason to pull out my camera.
I've been resorting to using photos from last year and I'm tired of that. My camera is getting dusty, I've missed the challenge of taking a photo every. single. day.
But I can't blame it on the project and year simply ending. When I sit down and think about it (which I'm doing right now and hence this post), I realized that I've put photography on the backburner lately.
My life has been consumed with work, a little workout here and there, sleep, and then work again. It's been consumed with stress and I think there's a parallel between the two.
Even though I enjoy my job, I want to enjoy my life, too. I want to enjoy and savor the little moments. And I want to start making more time for hobbies and less time for stress and worry.
So here's to enjoying the little moments, capturing them, and sharing them, too.
Cheers, friends!
p.s. Do you have any tips for balancing work and life? Any tips for making time for hobbies despite a full workload? Tips and tricks are always welcome!
It's hard to develop a good balance! But it definitely has to be intentional like you mentioned- we have to choose to put things on the front burner so to speak. I actually wrote a post on developing a work life balance (http://sometimesphotojenik.blogspot.com/2014/12/developing-work-life-balance.html?m=1) If you want to check it out. It's similar to my keep work at work post but has a couple different things. I feel pretty passionate about keeping a good balance between work and life and it's something that is definitely a work in progress for me. Good luck friend you will (and are) getting there!
ReplyDeleteYes to enjoying the little moments! That said, I'm having a total fail on my Project365 for the last few weeks... it's bumming me out a little! I do love your photos, so keep up the good work and enjoy some balance :)
ReplyDeleteA good balance is so important. I never take work home. When it's 4:15 and I can leave, I'm out the door. I get their earlier in the morning than I have to be, get things ready for my 6th graders, teach, and then I'm gone as soon as the kids are gone. It if didn't get done, it can wait until tomorrow. And I start my day with Jesus. I think that centers everything else. :) Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteI think for me it's realizing how much fun I have when I'm doing my hobbies. It makes me MAKE time for them because they make me happy! It's hard to balance, but maybe there's a way to add something to your routine to get more out of your time. Like, sometimes I get up early before work to work out or I bring workout clothes with me so I can change and get started as soon as I get off work instead of wasting time driving home, changing, etc. A thought. Since getting an iphone, I haven't gotten my big camera out as much, and it is a bummer, so I feel you.
ReplyDeleteIf you enjoy it it will be fun. But sometimes life gets in the way and the hobbies take a backseat. Don't giveup and sometimes it's in those moments as you said that you capture those things that mean a lot to you.
ReplyDeleteGirl, I LOVE that you told me that. I often feel like I have to get stuff done so I'll come to work early and stay late, but I've found myself just super stressed about it all. So I've been coming in a little later (still early, though) and then leaving on time as well. Thank you for reminding me that even teachers don't have to do it all! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I love what you said about starting your day with Jesus. I've been doing workouts in the morning as soon as I wake up and love it. But I'm going to have to try starting my mornings with Him, too. I tend to end my days with journaling/prayer/Bible/devotional time but I like the idea of starting my days with it, too!
Love that thought. :) I've been doing some workouts in the morning (since I can't guarantee I'll have the energy to workout after work some days) but I love the idea of really examining my routines and schedules and seeing if I can change and tweak things to save/make time for fun.
ReplyDeleteAnd I totally understand that dilemma when it comes to using an iPhone camera vs. an actual camera. I struggle with that a lot, too!
There's just something about hobbies that make them so therapeutic! :) I'm a fan of taking photos too, but when I get busy it's put on the back burner. I don't really have any tips or tricks, but when I start to see that I'm stressed, I have to be purposeful and set aside or schedule 1-2 hrs per week for hobby time.
ReplyDeleteAgreed! There's definitely something to be said of setting aside time for relaxing and enjoying life. I will have to try and schedule in time for hobbies--I feel like I can do that on the weekends but weekdays are when I need it most and have the least amount of time for it. Here's to hobby-time! :)
ReplyDeleteIt's so heartbreaking when work takes over or kills the joy of things you once loved. I'm starting to feel that way with my own job. I love it, I'm grateful for it, but when creativity is used for the sole purpose of getting results, the love is lost a bit.
ReplyDeleteHowever, when things get rough at work, I find myself diving deep into my personal/side projects even more than before. They become an escape to me and a symbol of freedom, if that makes sense.
Your beautiful photos last year and your appreciation of the "mundane, everyday" things are what make me want to take on a 365 project...next year, hopefully.
ReplyDeleteI wish I knew how to find the balance between work and life, but I struggle with that too. For me I just try to do the things I love whenever I have down time, so that means I try not to "waste" my limited time on TV shows, etc. that I don't truly enjoy. (I'm just not a big TV-watcher.) I also try not to be too much of a perfectionist when it comes to hobbies, although that's something I have a hard time with too!
You're such a great photographer and that's definitely something you shouldn't let go of! I'm excited to see more of your pictures!
ReplyDeleteOoh, that's a tough one. I felt that way when I pushed myself to push out five posts a week and then tried to do blog button swaps as well (one of the reasons why I won't go into paid advertisements on my blog now).
ReplyDeleteBut I love what you said about diving deeper into more personal/side projects when the going gets rough. I LOVE that and that's how I see my photography right now, too! :)
Aw, Shea, those words made my day. Thank you SO much for just reminding me why I love photography and why I need it in my life. I have an odd fascination with photographing the everyday and mundane in life because it IS beautiful. I would love to see you tackle a 365 Project! It's a lot of work, but it's so much fun and so worth it (well, most of the time!). :)
ReplyDeleteAnd perfectionism. Oh goodness, I know that all too well. But I've found that as I get older, I tend to be less of a perfectionist (unless it's work for other people or if other people are watching me do it!).
Thanks, Susannah! That means A LOT. :)
ReplyDeleteNever give it up, girl, you're photos are truly gifted! My camera is dusty and lensless but I find myself missing it, too!
ReplyDeleteKELLLLLLLIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Oh my goodness, how are you friend?!?!?! I've missed you so much and when I got the email notification about your comment, my heart got all giddy with excitement because I was hoping it would be you. HOW ARE YOU?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you so much for those kind words--here's to taking more photos (because I love yours, too!). :)