April 6, 2015


It's about time for a giveaway, right? I could not be more excited for it, either. I've been wanting to host a giveaway for some time now but didn't know what to include, who to collaborate with, or when it should be.

But who needs an excuse for a giveaway, am I right? I, for one, am always down for entering to win free goodies.

 But I digress. Today, I'm working with Taneka from Heart and Lips to give away not one, but two lovely prints as well as some goodies that I've thrown in because I love ya.

When Taneka emailed me about a collaboration, I knew that a giveaway had to happen because I couldn't just keep a print and not share it with you. And then, Taneka, being the gem that she is, decided to throw in TWO prints to give away. She also may or may not have emailed back and forth with me about Parenthood, too, but that's another story for another day.

So now you're not only getting a few goodies from yours truly, but two prints that I KNOW you're going to love. Heart and Lips was created to encourage AND to remind us of the truths that God so lovingly wants us to hear. The truths that I all too often hear but do not truly believe.

Not only are her prints gorgeous (hello, gold!), but they've also got messages that I need to be reminded of on a daily basis.

So check out Taneka's shop and enter this lovely giveaway! Good luck, friends!

PLEASE NOTE: This giveaway is open from Monday April 6th through Monday April 13th. Any and all entries will be verified and the winner will be contacted by Kiki via email. Lastly, this giveaway is open to US residents only, sorry international friends! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i constantly need to remind myself that my worth is found in Jesus & not other people!

    thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

  2. That God can help me in this situation.

  3. Lately I've trying to work on acceptance. I can't fix everything, and sometimes things are fine just the way they are as long as I look at it from a different angle!

  4. Ooh, that's a GOOD one. I definitely have a hard time accepting things as they are, especially when it comes to work and things I wish I could change, but can't for one reason or another! :)

  5. Is there anything I can pray for ya right now? I'll be praying that He brings you peace in whatever situation you're in right now! :)

  6. SOOOOOO good. I need to remind myself of that truth more often than just once a day. :)

  7. Thank-you so much!... I appreciate all prayers!

  8. I try and remember to give myself grace everyday. Especially now that we have our little guy, it's easy to get down on myself for not "doing enough." But life is hard--and grace is so important!

  9. Oh goodness, reading your reminder was JUST what I needed. God's love never ends nor fails. And you're also right in that He created us with purpose, with love, and with care. Yes, yes, and yes!

  10. Life is hard AND grace is important. AMEN, girl. Amen. :)

    I've been trying to give myself more grace and just doing a better job accepting what's placed in front of me. Definitely easier said than done!

  11. I need to remember that I can't do it all.

  12. I need to remember that change happens slowly, and that's okay.

  13. I need to remember to be content with where i am at. Instead of where i want to be.

  14. That's a great one! I need to remember that, too. :)


© IN ITS TIMEMaira Gall