I've had some people ask me about my room, what it looks like, how I style it, and the like. I've told people I would "someday" but truth is, I haven't really wanted to share the current state of my room because I don't actually like how it looks.
The paint on the walls is from middle school when I went through a lavender/purple-everything stage. Think duvet cover, bedskirt, walls, frames, flowers, and curtains, too. Yeah. Not really my favorite anymore.
The current duvet cover (not pictured in this set, but pictured here) is a little newer than the wall colors, but definitely does not go with the grey-ish purple walls. I got it in high school when I went through my darker but still brighter pink and orange stage. Yeah. Not really my favorite anymore either.
So that brings me to now. A lover of neutrals (I guess I had enough color?), simplicity, clean lines, and lots of photos and frames. I love decorating but have yet to get to the walls and bedding. So I've rearranged shelves, added some books, added an exercise ball (that serves as a desk chair), cleaned out some toys (aka asked to store them in the attic), moved the dresser to inside the closet, and added an IKEA desk, too.
It's not a pretty state and nowhere near where I want it to be, but it's my room and here's a little glimpse into it. To be completely honest, it doesn't actually look like this now because I've changed a few things around, but since I like it so much, I'm not going to share it because I want to keep it and share the entire thing once I paint the walls this summer. So that's what it looked like back in November/December-ish (
And here are my plans for the future. Little tweaks and changes that I'd like to make to make my room, more me and less of the girl I used to be.
- Paint the walls light grey. Not too blue or purple, but a lovely light grey color. I want my room to be light and bright; like this color, perhaps?
- Add a corner gallery wall. I spotted one tutorial here and fell in love with the idea and concept. Now I just need to get some more frames to do it!
- Buy/thrift a reading chair. Everyone needs a cozy spot to read, right? If you've got any recommendations, I'd love to hear it!
- Clean out my closet. I've got lots of clothes in my dresser drawers that need to be donated and I've got tons of knick-knacks or other memorabilia stuffed in boxes that needs to be organized and cleaned out, too. It's spring and some spring cleaning is in dire need in my room!
So there you go. A little glimpse into my room and a long to-do list, too. Have you shared a tour of your home/apartment/bedroom before? What is your inspiration for your bedroom?
Here's a look into what I'd love mine to look like, if you're curious (
these three rooms being my top faves)!