There's a whole other level of exhaustion once May hits. The end of the year is well, tiring. But as much as I wanted to rush through and head straight into June, there was another part of me that wanted to soak up all of the little moments and stay present with the kids in the last few weeks left of school.
And so I tried to do both. Whenever I caught myself longing for summer, I'd try and spend a little more time being goofy and silly with the kids -- dancing with a little more enthusiasm, laughing at all their made-up jokes, and taking lots of photos for their memory books.
That shift in perspective made the last few weeks of school so much more enjoyable. I felt alive and refreshed again, even if I had to brew my iced tea just a little bit stronger.
So May came and May went and with it were weekend hikes, raising caterpillars, preparations for preschool graduation, sunny breaks in the rain, drawings from kids, and solo hikes to refresh my soul.
June is nearly halfway over, but I know there's more to come.
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