Dear September,
I feel like you flew by and yet, there were days and weeks when I felt like it would never end. Preparing to go back to in-person classes with preschoolers (and college students!) is no joke. The sheer amount of hours-long meetings (after meetings, after meetings) was not only physically exhausting, but mentally and emotionally exhausting as well.
There were so many days when I felt like there were more questions than answers and definitely not enough time to find the answers to those questions. We had to figure out new routines for putting on/taking off masks, sanitizing materials, and my new battle to keep my own hands moisturized when I'm constantly washing them and rubbing them with hand sanitizer.
But those struggles dissipated in a matter of seconds when I saw my kids. The smiles on their faces (under masks, of course!). The way they so bravely came into our classroom without their adults with them. The way they acclimated to the routines and learned our sanitizing procedures in a matter of minutes.
We, as adults, underestimate their abilities. And it's moments like these that make me feel honored and privileged to get to teach and learn alongside these little people. I'm grateful that I heard so clearly from God that teaching is my passion and calling and that even though 2020 has changed everything, I still get to see my kids. I'm excited and hopeful I'll actually get to spend this school year with them in person, too (prayers for health and safety over my classroom are very much so appreciated!).
Aside from that, September was also the month of figuring out how to rest on weekends. How to enjoy running in the early mornings. And how to survive almost two weeks of heavy smoke from wildfires all over the West Coast. I have never been more grateful for blue skies without ash and hazy smoke as I am now! Wearing masks to go on very short walks around the block, seeing ash all over my car and street, watching the skies get orange, tracking the air quality index, and having to do all of my workouts inside was really hard on my emotionally, especially with a pandemic going on, too.
September was a lot, but it was also filled with some really good moments, too. And I think that's the perspective to take with 2020. Crazy and hectic. But also crazy and good.