July 3, 2020


Dear May, 

It's been a hot minute since I've last written! While the time away from my blog has been good, I also want to keep this blog as an online diary of sorts and I want to remember May, even if it seems like it was a lifetime ago. 

May was my third month of distance learning. Lots of Zoom with preschoolers where I learned that you can never play too many scavenger hunts or hide-and-seek, too. I learned to love recording videos for my church's children ministry as well. I finally got to start back up with worship team (recorded online), too. 

But at the end of the day, I just needed time away from the internet. I realized how much of my time was spent online or on camera and I just needed time to be with people. Striking that work-life balance during the pandemic grew increasingly hard when my online classroom was in my bedroom and I didn't have the option to go out with friends after work, either. 

By the end of the month, I learned that self-care means advocating for yourself and giving yourself grace--which meant taking breaks, going on lots of walks, and spending time with the people you're quarantining with, or in my case, my family.

It wasn't an easy month, by any means, but there was a lot of beauty in it, especially in seeking out the beauty in the mundane.
© 2025 IN ITS TIMEMaira Gall