True to 2020, this summer has been quite unexpected. I typically take summers off from work to plan out the next year, take professional development, help out more at church, and to just rest and recuperate from the school year (if you're a teacher, you know what I mean!).
This summer, however, I'm spending most of my week nannying three girls who have challenged and exhausted me and yet who have also made their way into my heart. These three girls have provided me with the opportunity to bring out my inner child and relive some of my favorite childhood summertime memories. We've been painting rocks, playing frisbee, going on long rides, having almost daily picnics, painting our nails, coloring lots, baking cookies, and reading through my collection of children's books.
It's been years since I've braided a Barbie's hair, but I haven't lost that skill, in case you're wondering!
On my days off, I've been having physically distanced walks, outdoor chats, and regular phone call dates with friends and got to meet with my mentor--who continues to challenge, encourage, and speak life into me. My pastor's wife has been the role model and friend I never really knew I needed until now. She leads well, speaks truth, and prays with sincerity and love.
July, thanks for helping me with my summer tan, for giving me time to explore more neighborhoods, for mom and daughter thrift store fun, for our countless blueberries falling off our bushes outside, for finding new ways to style my hair (quarantine haircuts, anyone?), and for the many, many hikes I've been enjoying with my family.
August is coming up quick and I already know that I need to start savoring summer even more.