Dear April,
A full month of distance learning and the thing I miss most? Seeing my preschoolers' faces and getting to watch them learn and grow. I've seen them in photos, videos, and Zoom calls, but it's hard not to get to see them reach milestones and lose their baby cheeks from behind a screen.
This social isolation hasn't been an easy one, but it's definitely been a growing one for me. I touched on it last month, but all this time at home has given me more time with, well, myself. I went many years being a tried and true introvert, enjoying quiet evenings and weekends at home (aka no plans). I made a shift in the last year or so to become an extroverted introvert. I still refresh and need time alone, but I also thrive off of social connection with others. My planner was filling up with hikes or coffee dates with friends and I thrived off of the community I discovered with church family.
This pandemic, however, forced me to become quiet again with my own thoughts--which wasn't something I welcomed right away. I had to learn to be present with the thoughts that I had pushed down and buried underneath all of my busyness. And I had to come face-to-face with old thoughts, losses/pain, and things that I just didn't want to deal with. It was ugly at first, but it's been healing ever since and something I know I wouldn't have come to grips with if it wasn't for this pandemic.
April was also filled with alternating weeks of rain and sunshine, which became a visual reminder of God's hand in everything and that He never stops working. The ukulele was dusted off for some at-home worship time. Lots of morning walks and runs. Grocery store trips with masks and friendly Trader Joe's employees (always my favorite place to get groceries!). And asking God to challenge me in this season--even if the challenges aren't easy or enjoyable.
April, you taught me a lot and I'm excited to continue down this path of learning in May as well.
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