A flip of the calendar holds a lot of pressure, especially when we go from one year to the next. But as your inbox fills with sales notifications for workout gear, organizing tools, and after-Christmas sales and you start to feel the pressure to write resolutions and get your life "put together," I hope you know that there's grace, peace, and hope packed into this new year, too.
Maybe 2019 wasn't your year. I get that. I know what it's like to end a year hoping that the next will be better than the last. The holiday season has its own stress and add on top of that the season of reflection with the end of the year and it can stir up a whole bunch of memories--both the good and the bad.
While it may not have seemed like the best year, I hope see that each month, each week, and each day in 2019 held goodness. It may have been small, like a smile from a stranger or a heart-shaped leaf found on the sidewalk, but those little moments are worth treasuring, too.
I have this feeling of hope for 2020. I have this hope anchored deep within my soul that is telling me that the future really is bright. And it's not because I'm a fortune teller and can predict your future, but because I know who holds 2020 in His hands. And He holds your heart and life in His hands, too. He has written a beautiful story for you. A story that is beyond anything you could ever dream up, plan for, or imagine.
So pray those big prayers. Write down those dreams. But hold onto them loosely, remembering that God is God and you are not.
And I hope you see that place of surrender as freedom--freedom to unwrap each day and discover the surprises He has for you with gratitude and excitement.
I'm excited for you, friend. Truly, I am.
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