I used to think that friendships and relationships were formed solely based on similarities. I'd hang out with friends and people who did the same activities as I did, or who had similar interests as me. I remember back in those online dating days when I would fall for guys who had 98% compatibility with me (which, in hindsight, I question how that algorithm works, but I'll save that for another day).
That's not to say that there's anything wrong with similarities, but I think we do ourselves--and others--a disservice when we decide right off the bat that people are not for us simply because they don't have everything (or at least lots of things) in common with us.
I was talking about friendships with my sister the other day and I realized just how many differences I have with my friends. Nearly all of my co-workers are older than I am. Some of the people that I am best friends with are in totally different life stages than I am. Many of my friends are extroverts and I can't say I have any friends who are fellow Type Nines, either.
I do have to say, however, that one of the things I value most about many of my closest friends is the fact that we all share the same faith and love for Jesus and His people. And I think, when it comes down to it, that that's all we really need, especially when it comes to romantic/dating relationships (preaching to myself here).
It's okay if we don't like the same foods, the same sports team, or if they're a morning person or not. Sometimes we need to have differences with others because it's important to appreciate differences and realize that we're all different--and a little quirky--and that that's okay.
So I'm learning to embrace the similarities and differences in life--and remembering that life would pretty boring if everything/everyone was exactly the same.