Oh, August.
You were simply the best. This was the first summer break where I truly stayed away from work. Setting that boundary was completely unintentional, but most definitely needed and appreciated. I spent much of my summer doing things that I enjoyed, things that scared/challenged me, and things that all ultimately grew me as a creative, teacher, and daughter of the King.
Thank you for the weekend adventure to San Diego and for the life-giving conversations that came with it. Thank you for blog friends turned real-life friends and for the opportunity to see a different part of the world (even if it was just a state away!).
Thank you for all of the Sunday mornings spent playing my viola at church. It's my new-found love and creative outlet and I'm hoping I get to bring that into the school year as well.
And even though they weren't enjoyable, thank you for the 4+ hour flight delay in a tiny airport, for the two wasp stings within one week, a rolled/twisted ankle, and for the smoky haze that came in and calmed those pesky bees a few weeks later. Even though they were unfortunate things, they taught me the importance of resting in, depending on, and trusting in God alone.
August, I don't want you to end. I want to experience all of your adventures all over again. I want to savor the mornings where I didn't have anything on my agenda. And I want to remember the importance of self-care each and every day. But I know that there's still more to discover this year and I'm excited to meet the kids in my classes and pull out those sweaters and boots that have been hiding out in my closet.
September, I'm (kinda) ready for ya.
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