That was 2017's word for the year. And over the past eleven months, it's taught and challenged me in more ways than I can count.
But to be honest, one of the things I hoped for when choosing this word was that God's faithfulness would show up more in my life. And I'll guiltily admit that I had hoped that He would answer long-awaited prayers. I hoped that He would show up in places that seemed deserted. And He did--but not in the way I pictured it would.
Faithfulness no longer looks like my wishes being granted, my dreams coming true, or my plans coming to fruition (under my timing, of course). Faithfulness looks like showing up, being there, choosing God and hope when life is hard. Finding joy in the everyday. Seeing God on four-mile walks. It looks like honest and vulnerable texts between friends. First dates after a year off from dating. Endurance and perseverance. And it's trusting that God's way is greater than my own.
And so here I am, in a place very similar to where 2017 began. Many of the same circumstances, but a girl who's learned that it's not about my circumstances. It's not about the seasons changing. It's about changes in my character, my perspective, and my faith.
And those are the changes that help me stay faithful and make me most grateful for His faithfulness.
"Your faithfulness continues throughout all generations; You established the earth, and it stands." Psalm 119:90
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