Dear September,
My new classroom is smaller and like a young child, the smaller walls have brought a calming effect on my body. This is my fifth(!!!) year teaching and it's the first year where I don't feel stressed or tense as I have in the past. It likely has something to do with age and experience, but I also know that it has a lot to do with how I handle my anxiety.
September came quick and was full of staff meetings, finalizing class lists, cooler temps, and early morning workouts. I'm learning to make myself a priority in life and will do what it takes to keep this up throughout the entire year. I've talked to a few friends about this, fully disclosing my tendency to get caught up in busyness and work and putting myself at the bottom of every list. But I don't want this to continue. I don't want my twenties to be defined by my job, even though I love it. I want life, I want balance, and I want to spend time on me.
So thanks for being a good one, September. Thanks for helping me ease back into school routines while bringing in some routines/habits of summer. I know that the holiday season will soon be upon us, so it only makes sense that I make the most of September and the beginning of fall.
I'm excited to get to know my new class of kids, make my classroom a home, and meet my student teachers, too. I can tell it's going to be a good year and I'm grateful for new beginnings, especially the one that comes each September.
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