WISHING Spring Break was here already! But that's probably what every teacher is thinking, right?
CRAVING fresh fruit. I could honestly eat fruit all day and still not get tired of it. But I'm currently craving green grapes, fresh strawberries, and honeydew melon, too.
GOING on walks after work with my co-teacher. As if we didn't spend enough time together! Which, if you saw us on a daily basis, you'd know that's actually not true at all. So this new routine is a great way for us to start our weeks on Mondays, getting caught up on life/work, and exploring new areas around our school, too! I've even started to bring along my camera to snap photos along the way!
HOPING to read some of Brene Brown's work. That lady is so inspirational--I've always loved her quotes and TED talks, but have never actually read any of her books. Any recommendations for a place to start?
WEARING florals! I was never a girly-girl growing up and never thought I'd have floral prints in my closet, let alone 5-6 tops with florals! But with Spring coming up so soon, I don't feel one bit of guilt about it.
LISTENING TO these three songs. Almost all day, every day.
LEARNING that you've just got to live one day at a time. It's something that I struggle with on a daily basis--with my mind on the fast-track to the future. But I know that it's not a coincidence that this lesson has so much to do with my word for the year!
What are YOU up to this month?