February 15, 2016


image via Unsplash.

When email chains and Facebook notes were popular (anyone else remember those days?), I always enjoyed a fun tag to join in and share some random facts about myself. Not because I'm self-centered (or maybe I am?) but rather, because I love the lists and the chance to discover similarities between friends.

So because I like a good old throwback, here are some of my faves. Let me know what yours are, too!

COLOR(S): Gold and white, especially when they're together!

FOOD: Fresh-baked bread with butter (I'm a carb-lover), Thai food, and tortilla chips

VERSE/BOOK IN THE BIBLE: Ecclesiastes 3:11, the story of Esther and Hosea, and the book of James

TV SHOW/MOVIE: Parenthood, Quantico, and The Hunger Games

THING(S) TO SPLURGE ON: Shoes and outerwear

SONG/MUSIC ARTIST: Phillip Phillips, Hillsong United, and Ellie Holcomb

HOBBY: Photography and writing--but you knew that, didn't you?


FLOWER: Ranunculus

SWEET: Fresh fruit, fruit snacks, and gummy candy

BOOK/AUTHOR: Love Does and Shauna Niequist

SMELL: Coconut and cookies baking in the oven

THING TO COLLECT: Socks and children's books

HOLIDAY: Thanksgiving

THING TO BLOG ABOUT: Life, especially the little everyday moments


What are YOUR faves?
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