At the end of each workday, I like to come home, take a shower (wash the germs off!), eat dinner with the family, and then curl up with my laptop and catch up on some TV and blogging. It may sound lame to some, but for my introverted personality, the chance to recharge like this is perfect.
I like quiet time and am grateful that my family not only gets that but really respects my need for it, too. I sound like a hermit, but it's how I de-stress after a long day of work (or just every day, if I'm honest).
De-stressing for me also comes in the form of 6am workouts/Blogilates, quiet time journaling and reading She Reads Truth in the evening, and talking it out with my friends and co-workers. It's also the chance to check my Instagram at the end of the day, listen to Hillsong before bed, and then baking on the weekends, too.
That said, there's obviously a lot of different ways to de-stress and gain some sanity in your life. And I'm interested to hear how you de-stress. Do you exercise? Pray? Sing? Party? I'd love to hear your tips, tricks, and advice for de-stressing!
Reading. Real books. Not blogs. Something about the quiet of the book and no internet noise or blinky emails or notifications is WONDERFUL!
ReplyDeleteReading and working.
ReplyDeleteI have many ways to destress. Reading, crochet, photography. I love people but I love my time alone equally. I often go to Panera Bread for what I call "Panerapy"... that place is my therapy. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm the same, in that I need to be by myself to de-stress. My husband says his destressing is hanging out with me...but it doesn't work for me. I usually play some FarmVille 2 (haha no judging!) and read blogs with some hot chocolate or coffee. Sometimes I just lay in bed with my dog, too.
ReplyDeleteBubble baths! And a good book!
ReplyDeleteSolo quiet time is crucial for me too, and tv + blogging is a good way to do it! I also rely heavily on walking/running, when I can either just let my mind open up and wander or focus on working/thinking through an issue.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Meg. Reading is a good de-stress. Of course, not if I'm reading a stressful book. ha! Running helps me de-stress. And also cooking (most of the time).
ReplyDeleteI love having some time to veg out and let my brain not have to focus on anything. I really enjoy stretching too! At the end of a long/stressful day I have some stretches that I do that and they REALLY help me relax and wind down and prepare for bed. I also enjoy reading!
ReplyDeleteI get in bed early so I can sit there for an hour and read or journal while listening to music and burning a candle. There may or may not be tea. I also love doing yoga or watching something I love (You've Got Mail, Runaway Bride, Gilmore Girls, Anne of GG).
ReplyDeletewalking during my lunch break has helped out so much! it is amazing the difference i feel mid-afternoon. but when i get home, i like to curl up with a good book & tea :)
ReplyDeleteOoooh, good one! I actually have turned off a lot of notifications simply because I don't like being bothered all the time. And when it comes to actually books, there's definitely something about turning pages that I just can't get enough of. :)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely two of my faves, too! My early morning workouts are so worth less sleep! :)
ReplyDeleteI love what you said about loving people but loving time alone equally. I'm the same way! I crave alone time and I just might have to adopt your Panerapy! :)
ReplyDeleteGirl, I don't judge at all! :) I play computer games, too (primarily Sims) and realy need to get some alone time to recharge and de-stress. :) I hope you get some alone time to recharge soon!
ReplyDeleteOoh, those sound wonderful right now. I've never been much of a bath person, but I do love a long hot shower. :)
ReplyDeleteOkay, so you pretty much summed up my definition of a good day. TV, blogging, walking, and running. I'm pretty sure I'm discovering that we have more in common than I first thought! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on all three! Good reads are a must, along with running (which I'm hoping to make more of a set routine), and then cooking as well. As long as something doesn't burn or something in the kitchen! :)
ReplyDeleteTime to veg out is a must for me. I really need to be able to decompress through something that doesn't require too much of my concentration/energy. :) Stretching sounds like a reallly good idea! I do pilates/yoga in the mornings but never thought to stretch before bed. I love that idea!
ReplyDeleteMe, too! I get in bed about an hour early to read, journal, listen to music, and just relax. It seems weird to go to be so early, but it's so crucial for me! :) And Gilmore Girls is ALWAYS a good idea. Is it weird that I haven't seen any of the others? :)
ReplyDeleteSame! I love taking lunch break walks and am hoping that our school year will settle down a bit so I can do them again. I also love being able to exercise after work as well. And now that we're talking about it, I need to exercise more! :)
ReplyDeleteReading (books or blogs), quiet mornings with gentle light coming through the windows, a cup of coffee, soft and sweet praise music to the Father, a walk outside, anything photography related, sweatpants, just relaxing in my comfy bed, working out, driving with the the music up and the windows down...okay that's a good list. haha
ReplyDeleteIt's not weird, it just means that if you ever come within an hour's drive of my house, we're having a movie night! ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha, sounds good to me! :) I have actually always wanted to see those movies (especially You've Got Mail!) but have never actually looked for them. Changing that asap! :)
ReplyDeleteQuiet mornings are THE best. I'm not a coffee person, but that morning sounds perfect to me. I wish I had those more often!
ReplyDeletep.s. When we get together, let's have one of those mornings, okay? A chance to enjoy the outdoors and hang out sounds perfect to me! But I guess it wouldn't be that quiet, would it? :)
You should! You've Got Mail is one of my all-time favorites. Really cheery and cute. The other two are awesome as well. Anne of Green Gables makes me cry every time, just the music alone. :)
ReplyDeleteI think I will! I don't know much about Anne of Green Gables but I do know that I get teary-eyed pretty easily. :) Thanks for the recommendations!
ReplyDeleteReading is one of my biggest de-stressors - either a novel, or my Bible, or Biblical commentary. Anything, really! I don't normally have time to read "for myself" (I'm an English major, so I'm always reading for class). Anytime I have a minute to read something I want to read is great! I also like journalling, watching a movie I've seen before, or scrolling through Tumblr.
ReplyDeleteEven though I wasn't an English major, I get what you mean about actually squeezing the time to read for pleasure. I so remember that as a student! :) It's definitely made me truly enjoy whenever I get to read what I want when I want to, though!
ReplyDeleteAnd journaling and watching new movies are the best. I love that you added in the detail of watching new movies--I'm the same way! I only have a very short list of movies that I can re-watch.
That said, if you have any recommendations, I would love to hear them! :)
yes! I love stretching before bed!! It helps me relax and get out any last restless leg feelings...