March 3, 2014


Normally when I get home from work, I just want to change into sweats and sit down behind my laptop and well, be lazy. And quite honestly, I'm okay with a life like that right now because I need and crave quiet time.

You would think that because I'm living at home and am not married or in a relationship or with kids that my life would be quiet in the evenings. But I'm living at home and well, that's not really all that quiet. Evenings are filled with talking, TV, games, and homework, and it makes for a rather loud environment sometimes.

And to be honest, sometimes I just need to escape from some of that sometimes. I need a chance to rejuvenate, catch up on TV (by myself), do a little reading, and just spend time writing. I need a chance to be by myself. To be the one who chooses the volume of the music and to be the one who controls who talks to me and when.

Maybe that makes me a grumpy cat lady, I don't know. But I do know that introverts need their alone time and that's exactly what I've been doing every now and then in the evenings.

I haul my laptop and books (and sometimes Gilmore Girls, too!) upstairs, take a shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, and then crawl into bed extra early and curl under the covers.

It's the perfect place for me to read, listen to Hillsong United, and just breathe without being interrupted. It's much needed time for me to relax, de-stress, and just get my thoughts out without having people look over my shoulder (quite literally, sometimes!).

So I may be a proud grouchy old lady, but quiet time is what I need to keep my sane.

quiet time
So tell me, what keeps you sane? Do you carve out time in your schedule to be alone? What do you do? Or if you're more extroverted, do you carve out time in your schedule to be with friends/family? What does quiet time mean to you?

p.s. If you're still interested in being a part of my Everyday Moments guest post series, let me know! I'm still open for more to join in!


  1. You always have such great pictures of "everyday stuff"!!! :)

    I totally understand the needing quiet to recharge. I am an extrovert so recharging for me usually looks like going for a walk (my walks look like going as fast as I can without breaking into a run) and then grabbing a book, magazine, my ipad, or maybe just some tea and plunking down in the living room to just do nothing with the possibility of being surrounded (and maybe even interrupted) by whoever may end up coming in. Unless I'm studying the Bible or trying to write something of substance, I really don't crave time to be completely alone. My Mom and most of my friends are more introverted so I totally understand your need for solitude and the quiet it allows! :)

    1. Aw, thanks! That's actually a huge compliment to me! I used to think I was really boring with my photos, but I've been learning to find the beauty in the everyday and that that's okay to do. :)

      And I'm glad you can understand! It's so easy for me to think that I'm weird that I need personal time since so many of my friends and co-workers are extroverts. So I'm you not only understand, but know of other introverts who need solitude sometimes, too. :) I also love going to walks and reading and stuff and since I'm living at home for the time being, it always includes the possibility of a family member or furry dog "brother" to interrupt me, too!

  2. This spoke to me on a spiritual level. V_V
    'Cat lady' is my household nickname despite the fact we own no cats, because I'm introverted and need alone time - and I nearly always spend it on my bed.

    1. Aw, I'm glad you can relate, Mirriam! I'm also so glad that you're commenting more, too! I looove getting to know you. :) And as for being a cat lady I feel like I could easily turn into one someday soon! I'm definitely a dog person, but I so need and crave alone time, too!

  3. uh yes. i rarely have "alone time" either. even though i have my own home and i'm not married with kids....i think the only "alone" time i have is in the AM when i'm getting ready for the 30 minutes before my roommate wakes up.
    when i get home she is normally there, and its the same on the weekends. i sometimes get my alone time on my walk during my break at work - but even then i find myself chatting on the phone or overloading myself with thoughts.
    i really want to take some "me" time this week and read, and relax, and challenge my mind and spend the time i have the way i want to.
    and no - i don't think you're a grumpy cat lady ;)

    1. So glad you can relate! Sometimes I feel like people think that us single ladies have plenty of time to do what we want--but that's really not always the case. We all have busy lives, the way we busy ourselves is what differs! :)

      And I hope you get some "me" time this week! It really is refreshing (for me at least) and it's always nice to just spend time the way you want to, too!

      Haha, and thanks for telling me I'm not a grumpy cat lady. Somedays I really feel like I am and then there are also days when my extroverted co-workers and friends tell me I need to get out more--if only they would understand that there's nothing wrong with introverts... (end rant). :)

  4. I completely get it! I say all the time that I'm like an old grandma. All I want to do when I come home from work is get comfortable, shut off all technology, and just enjoy the quiet, personal time. It's so refreshing! And much needed after a day filled with demands and to-do lists.

    1. Um, exactly! Sara, you know exactly how I function! While I do love blogging (and thus, technology), I do know that I also need peace and quiet sometimes. It really is a great refresher and I'm so glad you understand me so well! :)

  5. love your photos, you have such an eye for detail.
    i like "alone time" sometimes too.
    people can be draining sometimes. although i do like to be with people.

    1. Thanks, friend! I'm so glad you can relate to needing personal time every now and then. I, too, love people and love talking with people, teaching kids, and the like but I also need (emphasis on need!) time to collect my own thoughts and just decompress, especially after long days! :)

  6. Your relaxing looks a ton like mine! I'm thankful that Nate's an introvert too since that means he understands why I need to be alone sometimes.

    1. Hooray for relaxation and quiet time! And it must be really nice to have someone who truly understands your need to be alone every now and then. It seems like all too often people think that being alone is bad or needing to spend time at home is wrong and that you need to get out (let's just say I've had people tell me this before, haha). But I digress. Here's to relaxing and quiet time! :)

  7. Girl, you literally just described what all my evenings look like! To the "t'! (Or is it "tee"? I never knew.)

    I feel the same way living at home. On the days I don't work (Mondays) I LOVE having the house to myself. It can be loud with music if I want it or quiet as a mouse. I'm free to roam and do as I want without having my mom ask me a million questions, dad turning on the tv super loud, or mom having to see and comment on everything I do on facebook.

    The days I do work, I'm usually the last one to come home. So, after dinner, I unplug my laptop and go into my room and crawl under my covers and catch up on shows, read blogs, write, or read my ever growing list of books.

    I love being with people...when I want to be with people. Mostly, I CRAVE alone time and quiet.

    1. YES! YES! YES! So glad you can relate and understand exactly how I feel!!! Like to a T (I've never quite understood which t/tee to use, either, btw). As much as I love people (my family and friends included), I also crave and need time alone to refresh myself and get a good night's sleep, too. As an introvert, I think it's because I don't share too many of my thoughts, so my alone time is my time to process my thoughts and all that deep stuff. :)

      I'm sure you can relate, but I feel like a lot of people I know (rather, a lot of extroverts that I know) think that there's something wrong with me because I need quiet time. People tell me I need to "get out more" and it kind of annoys me because it makes it seem like being an introvert is wrong or something that needs to be fixed, you know? Anyway, that's a whole other rant for another day. Thanks for listening to it! :)

      As for living at home, I looove that you get Mondays off! I so wish I could get a day or an hour when I just have the house to myself. That pretty much never happens around here! I can completely relate to the TV, people asking questions/talking to you, and all that. I love my family, but sometimes I just need a little alone time, haha!

      And that paragraph about your hours after work? That is so me. Seriously, I love nothing more than crawling into bed early and just relaxing--so grateful for my breakfast tray turned laptop desk. :)

  8. we might be the same person. hehe, kidding!
    i do the same thing. weeknights are kind of "my" time. i soak it up and cherish it because i know one day, Lord willing when i have a husband and kids, that those kind of nights will be non-existent!

    ps: i am working on my 'everyday moments' post for ya!

    1. Haha, I honestly think we might be! :) Seriously though, it really is a precious time for me and like you said, I've thought the same when it comes to the fact that I might not always have it. It's bittersweet because as much as I love it, I know that I'll also learn to love and enjoy time spent with my own family someday. :)

      p.s. I am soooo incredibly pumped to read your post! You have such a way with words and I have no doubt it'll be a good one!

  9. I'm the same way! I think quiet time is so important.

    1. I'm glad you can relate! It really is important and something I'm learning is really essential for my sanity, too! :)

  10. Couldn't agree more! I crave my "me" time where I can do what I want and have some peace and quiet. Totally guilty of going to bed super early to just watch Netflix and read under the comfy covers. Such a good feeling :)

    1. Ahhh, yes! That is exactly how I feel. I not only crave it but know that I honestly need it, too. :) And isn't going to bed early the best? Honestly, I love curling up under the covers, sticking my ear buds in, and just relaxing and catching up on TV and such. Definitely a great feeling!


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