And I'm not going to lie, I've tried to be/do all of those things at one point or another. I've tried to blog like those who seem to do it all so effortlessly. I've to pull off the messy bun (which sooo does not work with my thick hair) and I've tried being a careless carb-eater. But my efforts in trying to be more like them leave me exhausted, disappointed in myself, and frustrated--not to mention, a girl with too tight of pants.
But true to His word, I felt God speak to me through this quote the other day: don't try so hard.
Don't try to be like everyone else (even if you love that person!). Don't try to be them or be like them because you aren't and it'll leave you exhausted. You can't be anyone else but you. You just can't.
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.
I'm sharing about the same topic today on my blog. It is extremely difficult to refrain from comparing yourself to others. I know what the Bible says about how the heart is more important than the appearance, but I still compare myself to others.
ReplyDeleteAnd my messy buns always look really messy.
Girl, I hear ya. I find myself comparing myself all the time. It's hard not to, if you ask me! But like you said, the heart is definitely more important and we're all created differently for a reason.
DeleteAnd I'm the same way when it comes to messy buns! They like to fall apart in twenty seconds and if I put in some bobby pins, they just look like a ballerina bun or something. Oh, hair problems. :)
Be you! Copies are overrated. :)
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! :)
DeleteTruth! My grandma always said that to me... and it kind of has become a thing I subconsciously say to myself pretty much every day! I heard somewhere that trying to be like everybody else robs the world of you! Sometimes if feels like I'm on an island... but most of the time that's ok with me! What's the scripture where David was praising God for how he knit him in his mother's womb and knew all his ways before he was made? I love that too!
ReplyDeleteYour grandma said it! That is definitely a message I need to remind myself of each and every day (at least once). And I love what you said about trying to be like others and how it robs the world of you. It is so true!
DeleteAnd Meg, you are such an expert at referring to the perfect Bible verses! I love that verse from Psalms (right?). Such a good one. :)
I'm not an expert. I read that like two days ago. Ha! Pretty cool how the Spirit speaks through other people too though huh?
DeleteYeah, no kidding! I always love how God works through and in us in so many, many ways. :)
Deleteso true, friend! i have definitely fallen into ruts of trying to be someone other than myself and it is exhausting! and unhealthy, really. Jesus made you the way you are for a reason. Iit's no use leaves your feeling less than what you are. we are all already beautiful and unique!
ReplyDeleteIt is definitely exhausting! Now that I think about it, I know for a fact that I've wasted not only time but energy comparing myself to others. Comparison is a terrible cycle to get stuck in, that's for sure!
DeleteAnd you said it, we are made the way we are for a reason. And if Jesus created us, then He created us beautifully and uniquely for a very good reason at that. :)
such truth!
ReplyDeleteI've definetly felt this way before, but i always remind myself that- "We are fearfully and wonderfully made"
Amen to that! That is such a beautiful verse to remind myself of during times of comparison. :)
DeleteYes it is :) it's always been one of my favorites!
DeleteI love that last quote! So true. If we were all the same, it would be boring. :)
ReplyDeleteSo true, so true. It's funny how we all want to be alike, yet we really don't--you know? Even though I want to have a great metabolism or great hair or a great camera, being the exact same as everyone else would be wayyy boring. :)
DeleteLove that quote. I've also wrote up a stack of bible verses on index cards to sit on my nightstand and remind me of this truth. Also, this carb-lovin' girl can relate to the tight pants but sometimes it's worth it ;)
ReplyDeleteOoh, I looove that idea! I used to write down tons of Bible verses and hang them up in my room all the time! Now I just underline and journal/write them down like crazy. I love the index card idea, though! I just might have to adopt that one. :)
DeleteAnd I'm kind of doing a happy dance since I found out you're a fellow carb-lover. Tight pants are definitely worth it sometimes!
This is beautiful, dear girl!!! God created you to be you!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Susannah! :) And you are so right, God created us all differently for a reason and He created us to be us and no one else. :)
DeleteLOVE. THIS. Any time I've ever tried to be anything but myself, it fails SO hard. Then I realize I'm much happier being who I really am and enjoying it. I do what I do, I like what I like, and I am who I am. There's nothing greater than knowing that! :)
ReplyDeleteExactly! It's funny how we try so hard to be like someone else and then fail at it because it's just not meant to be. :) And I love what you said, we do what we do, we like what we like, and we are who we are. I couldn't have said that any better, girl!
DeleteGirl, you don't need to try hard... you are wonderful just the way you are. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, girl. It's honestly hard for me to believe that somedays, but thankfully I have good friends like you and a great God to remind me of that and give me that wake-up call.
DeleteAnd the same goes for you, if I do say so myself! :)
This post has got me thinking of lyrics to Laura Story's new song "Be my God so I can just be me"
ReplyDeleteOoh, I'm going to have to look that one up! Thanks for the suggestion, Ruth! It sounds like a good one and a song perfect for this post. :)
Deletehaha. you are the girl who blogs effortlessly and gets millions of comments ;)
ReplyDeletebut you are so right! trying to be someone else is exhausting! because we were created to be us - not them. we find freedom in being ourselves!
Um, yeah right. :) Seriously, reading that seriously made me laugh out loud and blush. Not even kidding. I am so not that girl! You are, if you ask me! But definitely not me.
DeleteAnd I couldn't have said it better. Trying to be someone else is more than exhausting and even though it's easier said than done. being me is definitely freeing and waayyy easier, too.