It's Friday! Hip hip hooray! Seriously, could the weekend get here any sooner? Although, I'd like it if it seriously stuck around a little longer than last week.
Highs and lows. You know you want them! Especially when they're about television and complaints. Just a warning.
Getting a cold. Seriously? It's May. I'm not a fan. Spring and summer should not equal sickness.
Watching TV with my mom. On the days when I'm done with classes by lunch, we watch + eat together. Definitely a must in my opinion.
Realizing that season finales on TV shows means no more new TV. Do you have any summer TV shows to recommend?
Having my cake recipe pinned and repinned. I personally don't believe in pinning my own blog posts, so it literally made my day to see it pinned!
Getting matching (nearly symmetrical) mosquito bites on both my calves. The worst part is that my mosquito bites often turn into huge welts. And you betcha they did this time! At least I match, right?
Happy Friday! Enjoy the sun and don't get sick, okay?
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