November 20, 2013


 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Now that Christmas is a coming (and the goose is getting fat), I've been in the shopping mood--it's terrible, I tell ya. I've been on the lookout for cute things to buy for my family, add to my own wishlist, and this year, shop for my Secret Santa recipient for this Christmas exchange.

Is it too early to start shopping for Christmas? Maybe. But who said being early is a bad thing?

Linking up with the lovely Amy and her Etsy Favorites link-up!


  1. I've been in the same mood and I can't wait to get out and find some gifts for everyone! Honestly, one of my favorite things in the whole world is watching someone open a gift that I've given them. It makes me so happy to see their faces! And I may or may not steal this post because it's cute and fun and Christmasy ;)

    1. Same! I love shopping and wrapping gifts for my family. No matter what I get them, I get little butterflies in my stomach as they're opening them. I love the element of surprise (even if they were the ones who picked out the present!).

      Excited to see your wishlist! I have another one I'm making with presents I really really want but I'll save that one for another time. :)

  2. uh #1 & #7 LOOOOVVEEEEEE oh my gosh seriously I want them all.
    & its never too early to start shopping for Christmas (I just hate when stores are open on thanksgiving + have Christmas stuff out before Halloween even happens that's just too much - rant over).
    great etsy finds! + yay for linking up!!

    1. Uh, same here. :) I so love that scarf (just found it this past weekend, I think!) and that bag--along with the Rouge & Whimsy bag--has been on my wishlist for awhile now!

      Glad you agree with me on Christmas shopping! I have a few presents that I've gotten and am saving since summertime, haha. So it's definitely never too early to shop. But I do agree with you on the stores. It's craaazy how they go all out on the holidays before the preceding one has even taken place. It's crazy, I tell ya.

  3. it is never too early! i have started (trying) to think of gifts for my family. they drive me crazy when i ask what they might want. i get "i don't know" or "i don't care". me? i'm like: 'this' or 'that' or 'this and that'. :)

    these etsy finds are super cute! especially #5 & #7. [insert googly heart eyes]

    1. My family and I are the exact same way! I've had my own wishlist going for ages and meanwhile I've just started asking my family (at least once a day) what they want and they have the same responses as you. They're all crazy, I tell ya. :)

      And I love those triangle pendants and the tote, too! I've really fallen in love with triangles and neutrals as of late. It's not even funny.

  4. ooh!! love all of these, but if i had to pick two: that heart mug and the super cute bag!! nice picks, lady!
    also, i started collecting christmas gifts a few months ago. i just buy througout the year so i'm not paying a bunch all at once for christmas! it's way less stressful that way :)

    1. I don't use mugs all that often (gasp, I know), but seeing that mug on Etsy has seriously changed my mind about mugs (that, and my new love for hot apple cider and pumpkin spice tea). I want that one so bad now! :)

      And me, too! I started shopping for my little sister a month or two ago since she's the easiest. Now I just have the hard ones left. Which is basically my entire family...

  5. Loving all these things!! I can't wait for that gift exchange!

    1. Same! When I got my email, I pretty much did a happy dance because now I have another gift I can shop for! :)

  6. I love most of these but I think my favourite is the scarf it's absolutely gorgeous. I am going to etsy for my work secret santa present.

    1. The scarf is one of my top three faves, too! I'm a huge fan of subtle patterns, that color palette, and infinity scarves. If it wasn't so expensive, I probably would have bought it by now. :)

  7. I love the scarf! It's too cute! :)

    1. Same! And from all of the other comments I've received today, we're definitely not alone! :)

    2. true. if it wasn't so expensive i probably would have bought it :)

  8. I love Christmas, and gift giving, and decorating. I'm trying SO HARD to hold off until Thanksgiving. It's tradition in our family to put a tree up the day after Thanksgiving, but now that I'm seeing everyone's decorations on Facebook, I'm getting so ANTSY!!!

    I hope someone does a blog round up for people who can't sew or build anything, but want to hand-make all their gifts this year haha. :)

    BUT ANYWAY, loving the dish towel the best of your picks. So pretty!

    1. Me, too! The rest of my family isn't quite as ready as I am. I'm so ready for Christmas lights, nativity scenes, winter coats, and present shopping. Antsy is pretty much an understatement right now! :)

      And that sounds good to me, girl! I'm definitely not a seamstress or anything and always love the idea of DIY gifting so that list sounds good to me!

      Isn't that floral dish towel gorgeous? I love that floral print and I thought of you when I first saw it because I know that you've also mentioned your love for florals!

    2. Also, I think you might be a no-reply commenter again. :(

  9. Oh gosh. Between you and Amy, these Etsy crushes overwhelm me and make me wish I had all the money in the world. I guess that is why they call them crushes. ;) haha

    1. Haha, girl I feel the same way when I see Amy's posts! They seriously make me wish I had more money. And like you said, that's exactly why I call them crushes. To be honest, I won't likely buy any of them but it's always fun to window shop, right? :)

    2. Can I just say how overwhelmed I get when looking at the etsy boards too and I started the dang crush posts! hahaha. there are just so many talented creators out there an I wish my wallet was big enough to support them all! ;)

    3. Haha, I love that we're all in the same boat with this. Whenever I even browse Etsy I immediately wish I hadn't clicked over because I always find something else I wish I had. Oh, materialism. :) But at least with Etsy, it's all about supporting small businesses, right?

  10. too many cute things in one place!!

    1. I know, right? If only I actually owned them! :)

  11. my goodness.. I wouldn't be mad about receiving any one of those sweet things on your wishlist..
    (especially that tote) <3 great taste, lady!

    1. Same, here! That tote is definitely a great find--and I think a lot of other readers agree, too! :)


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