September 12, 2013


It's safe to say that Blogtember has also made me a braver person. I mean, a close-up photo of myself for the whole world to see? If that's not craziness for this introvert, I don't know what is.

Today's Blogtember Prompt: Discuss ways that blogging/social media has changed you.

This is a loaded prompt, isn't it? Whether we identify ourselves as bloggers or blog readers, I think we can all agree that blogging is a crazy, complex, and creative community. It's filled with introverts and extroverts, men and women, mothers and daughters, and engineers and artists. It's crazy weird, but crazy cool.

So how has it changed me? Well, it's opened up millions of opportunities. Given me the chance to try new things (like this fun project!). It's given me the confidence that I lacked. And it's helped me feel like I finally fit in with a group of people (this is huge for me).

I mentioned it earlier, but it wasn't until I started making blogging friends that I felt like I fit in. I was no longer the only Jesus-lover, photo-loving, writing, introverted nerdy girl. And while I know the importance of being yourself, it's still nice to know that there are others who not only understand me, but who like me for who I am, too! High-five to you, my friend.

Oh, and did I mention that it's pretty radically changed me faith? I never would have thought that a blog would help me deepen my relationship with Him, but it has. It's solidified my love for Him, pushed me to seek Him first, and showed me the importance of friends who share my love for Him. I never would have guessed that I would ever share my struggles, my singleness, and my life on a blog for millions to see--especially as a pretty reserved and private person--but blogging has done just that and more.

So tell me, how has blogging changed you? Has it provided you with some extra cash in your wallet? Long-lasting friendships? An eye for design? Or maybe just a new (and fun!) hobby? I want to know! posts on blogging? Well, here are some lessons learned from this crazy adventure, these are my blogging routines, and here's a letter to you, my lovely blog reader.


  1. I totally agree on all of this! Blogging gave me this huge new group of people who were a lot like me. And it really DID strengthen my relationship with the Lord. That's something I never thought would come from blogging either! But I'm so glad it did :) And I'm so glad blogging brought me to a wonderful lady like you!

    1. Yes, yes, yes! It's crazy how many people I've met that I wish I grew up with. Seriously girl, why weren't we (or aren't we) next door neighbors?

      And I also agree with you on faith. It's crazy how much I've grown since I started blogging. It's just proof how big God's plans are for us and how good they are, too!

      And same goes for you, I so treasure our friendship. Someday we'll take it to the next level and see each other in person!

  2. umm hello gorgeous! inside AND out :)
    I'm so happy to have "met" you :) truly are a blessing Kiki! <3 yay for social media!

    1. Um, thank you. Blushing now, too. :)

      And I'm so glad to have met you, girl! It's crazy how social media has introduced me to so many wonderful ladies like you. Girl, we must meet and take photos together someday!

  3. Yay for blogging. I'm right there with you. It's such a blessing to have a community of like-minded women!

    1. Yes! The blogging community has been so amazing. It's crazy how even though we may be miles apart, we still have so much in common--right? So grateful for blogging and lovely blogging friends like you! :)

  4. I agree with you, Jane! Blogging is definitely a great motivation to practice writing and artwork, too! At least it has been for both my writing and photography. Your artwork is so pretty! :)

    And friends are definitely the icing on top of the cake. I honestly don't know where I'd be today without them!

  5. So true, i have definitely grown in my faith since blogging.
    Also It's crazy, the community of "Blogging friends" that I've found through starting the The Quiet Place.
    Also i'm so grateful for wonderful blogging friends like you!

    1. It's crazy how something like blogging could really be such an amazing community and support network, isn't it? I'm still amazed by it every single day! And I also never would have guessed that my faith would be deepened so much through blogging. But to me, it's just another sign of how great God is and how His plans for us are greater than any we could have ever come up with.

      And I'm grateful for you as well, Britney! :)

    2. True that sister! God has definitely exceeded my expectations.
      Aww. thanks!

  6. I think blog communities are one of the greatest things. And it's a great outlet to just write, create, design and share!

    1. They really are, aren't they? I'm still continually amazed at how vast and encouraging the blogging community is. And I so agree--blogging is a great creative outlet! :)

  7. Yes I agree blogging has definitely helped me to be braver when it comes to my faith. It's also helped me to overcome some emotions that I have trouble letting go of because I see that I am not the only one struggling so there is no need to be all woe is me. Thanks for sharing your heart Kiki. As always your post come at the perfect time.

    1. Yes, I couldn't have said it better. Not only do I find myself a braver person, but a better person--all because of the amazing blogging community! Not only is the blogging community friendly, but so supportive. :)

  8. Oh and girl I love the new design. Are you doing blog designs now?? Also you should totally brand in its time. You've got something here!!

    1. Thanks, Charity! No, I'm not really doing major blog designs (aka as a business), just experimenting with it and helping fellow blogging friends out. I've always been a fan of yours--did you design it?

      And you know, I've never really thought too much about branding my blog. Is that weird? I mean, I guess I've never really taken blogging super seriously and have debated as to whether I want to expand my blog and offer paid sponsorships or something like that. I guess I'm just scared of how it'll affect my writing voice and how I view blogging, you know? But I digress. I have been thinking about changing the blog URL, though. I guess you could say I've been taking this one baby step at a time! :)

  9. Love this!! Love your heart girl. Thanks for being so honest and a constant encouragement to me--not only as a blogger but as a blog friend too! :)

    1. Aw, thanks Angela! This was so sweet and such an encouragement for me to read tonight (like seriously). :) Thank you for always being honest yourself! And yes, yes, yes. Blog friends is where it's at! :)


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